In 2023 we successfully built a replica of the famous Shwedagon Pagoda in Burma. Our Shwedagon stands 21 feet tall and took fours years to complete with donations from Burma and Burmese expatriates in America.
Teaching Done In Library
From the beginning, Dr. Thynn would teach the lessons in the library of the main Dhamma house. We would like to build a classroom dedicated to teaching on the property. We are looking for donations to make that happen.
Dana (pronounced “dah-na”) is a Pali word for Giving/Generosity
Sae Taw Win II Dhamma Foundation has operated on this 2,500 year old Buddhist tradition since its inception. Classes have been offered for free and the teachers offer their time in service to the Dhamma.
STW II relies on this spirit of generosity to maintain the programs offered and to support the administration of the center.
In the Buddhist tradition the act of giving is an opportunity to cultivate the ability to “let go.”
We appreciate all who extend monthly pledges and generous donations in support to the flourishing of STWII’s commitment of spreading the dhamma.
Although no one is turned away for lack of funds a pledge of $10-20 per class is greatly appreciated by those choosing to attend one of our course series. We keep a dana bowl by the door entrance allowing people to anonymously donate.
Dana in the form of volunteering skills to Sae Taw Win II community is also welcome. Please inquire with the office if interested.
This book is a manual that will guide the meditator throughout their day regardless of where they are and what they are doing. This is one of the few books that will help the meditator integrate their mindfulness practice and all their experiences in life by developing equanimity and balance. It is in fact a way to find one’s central core from which one can relate to the world at large.
Feb 1, I became an octogenarian !! Just celebrated quietly with my family. Win asked me if I wanted to have a gathering I thought of previous birthdays I celebrated with my students. After 22 yrs having founded the Center, and organising so many festivals and events with STW community I felt I owe it to my family to be just with them. My family had sacrificed a whole lot when I started the Center. I could only pay partial attention to them. I felt I just wanted to celebrate with them. I had no plans. But Win took me to a local tea shop in Sebastopol. We talked for about four hours ! A time to reminiscent, a time to pick up threads where we left off. We were both at peace and we just talked and talked. It was most precious time to spend with my first born who is actually very busy with her two little boys. Shannon my Son-in-Law took care of the boys to let mother and daughter spend time together. That evening Shannon and the boys joined us at the Center for a simple dinner. Their present for me was a caricature of the two boys Khine and Zeya! It was a lovely family day !!
Then the Pandemic started in China. I had started to follow the news about Wuhan in China where it first began. I anticipated it will become a pandemic seeing that the virus was from animals . Humans have no immunity for such invaders. True to form pandemic ensued so since March I have been stay home all the time. I venture out only for visits to my osteopath and chiropractor to treat my spine and posterior pelvic joints.
I had a lot of time on my hands so began to write on daily life practice in Burmese and English on Facebook where I was able to reconnect with doctors my ex contemporaries. Then tried making videos with iPhone as Susan my secretary is quite good in taping my sessions.
I also began to teach 2 small zoom classes on DLMP daily life mindfulness practice with hands-on training. It was very enjoyable and became high lights of my stay-at-home time. It was great to interact with them on Zoom. I experimented with sandwiching parts of Abhidhamma after each mindfulness in daily life course with the objective to help to understand the Mindfulness practice against the background of Abhidhamma teachings. I was very happy to find my students highly appreciated it.
Shwedagon Pagoda building project at the Center had taken off very well but had to be stalled due to the pandemic. We are planning to restart again soon. Please check the website
The top structures were made in Burma with guided stainless steel in 5 sections and will be air freighted very soon. I was instructed to complete the Pagoda by mid Jan by myGuru. The pagodas built in our lineage are like building vortices with extraordinary healing energy. Once they are crowned the astral energy will be broadcasted all over US and the world over.
With this I would like to conclude the letter with best wishes to everyone for Happy Holidays!!
One whole year is almost over. It has been a very busy year for me as the building of our great shrine American Shwedagon has passed the critical mark of completing the foundation, the platform or Yin Pyin. Then it was followed by the First Enshrinement Ceremony on Oct 12.
Photos will show the excitement of our Burmese donors and volunteers who made the event tick! Altogether about 400 Buddha statues were enshrined in the Enshrinement Well.
The top structure of the Stupa will be built in Burma beginning next month and shipped to US. The structure will be totally made of stainless steel and the outer Stupa Robe will be made of guided stainless steel encasement.
The purpose of building stupas is to create a high energy vortex to heal the land and individuals not just for gaining merit.
Profound gratitude to our Burmese Committee members without whose incredible work to raise funds and create events for the Center the American Shwedagon would never have gotten off the ground.
The August Three Day Intensive of On the Cushion-Off the Cushion Retreat for a small group of American and BURMESE meditators was very successful. It was the first time some Burmese friends attended the combined retreat.
We designed it so that it simulate how meditators usually meditate in daily life that is one hour sitting session in the morning. Plus one hour in the evening. The rest of the day they are taught how to bring mindfulness from the sitting into daily life. This is going to be our model we will use from now on for students as well as teachers in training.
Deep gratitude goes to our benefactors who donated to keep the Center running. Special mention and appreciation to Mark MaCauliffe for donating his time and expertise in rede-signing the front space and sides of the house to prevent further damage to the foundation of the Dhamma House. Also to Jim Morris from Nevada City in the design of diverting rain water away from the house.
As we give our thanks to donors I hope old and new donors will be energised to continue supporting the Center in Dana. We badly need operational funds in the vicinity of $1,500 a month to run the Center. Hence I would like to set up an account to which our support-ers can donate any amount big or small via your bank’s automatic monthly transfer to the Center’s Umqua Bank in Sebastopol. One of my young students has been donating $15 a month for about 4 yrs now continuously. Another student has been donating $50 monthly for over two yrs now.
We are grateful to accept yearly or biannual lump sum donations too. Interested donors please email or text me via 707 293 4535 or email I will then send our bank account number to you to set up auto-matic transfer on monthly basis. This will be the lifeline for the Center to keep the teach-ings to go on and continue our teacher training which virtually stopped when I got very sick in 2012.
Those who would like to use PayPal to donate can go on our website to do so. The address to send checks is also on our website.
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu May you be well may you be happy. Thynn Thynn