
November 17 for Sae Taw Win II Dhamma Foundation

Time 12-2:00 pm 
Place : Gym, Oak Grove Elementary School, 8760 Bower St , Sebastopol CA 95472
(Across from Sae Taw Wi II Dhamma Center. ) 
12:00 Luncheon will be served with Mohinga BURMESE fish chowder the national dish of Burma And deserts 
1:00 pm – video presentation of our Birth of Buddha play by American students of our Dhamma Center with English narration. 
1:30 pm – A door price Raffle of Dr Thynn’s art 
1:45 pm- BURMESE dances Puppet dance by Zayanda 
Mohinga will be donated by BURMESE Women’s group from Bay Area. 
Donations of finger foods and Burmese desert and fruits are most welcome. 
Children are welcome
Tickets : $25